About David Wilber


David Wilber is an author, Bible teacher, and CEO of Pronomian Publishing LLC. He has written several books and numerous theological articles, with his work appearing in outlets such as the Christian Post, the Journal of Biblical Theology, and the E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies. David has spoken at churches and conferences across the nation and has served as a researcher and Bible teacher for a number of Messianic and Christian ministries.

David currently lives in Lake Wylie, SC, with his wife and three children.

Education & Awards:

David earned his BA in Biblical Studies from Charlotte Christian College and Theological Seminary, where he had the honor of being chosen as Valedictorian of his graduating class. (Watch David’s Valedictorian Speech.) He is currently working toward his MA in Religion at Southern Evangelical Seminary.

David is a 2023 recipient of the Dr. Eugene Kincaid Award for excellence in theology.

David is a 2022 recipient of the Zondervan Award for outstanding achievement in the study of Biblical Greek.


How Jesus Fulfilled the Law: A Pronomian Pocket Guide to Matthew 5:17-20 (2024)

Remember the Sabbath: What the New Testament Says About Sabbath Observance for Christians (2022).

Is God a Misogynist?: Understanding the Bible's Difficult Passages Concerning Women (2020).

When Faith Works: Living Out the Law of Liberty According to James (2019).

A Christian Guide to the Biblical Feasts (2018).

Journal Articles & Other Publications:

Sabbath Observance in Luke-Acts: Situating the Earliest Followers of Jesus Within Judaism,” E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies, 11 no.3 (2025): 51–59.

The Divine Son in Hebrews 1,” The Journal of Biblical Theology 8, no. 8 (January–March 2025): 235–247.

The Book of Jubilees is Not Inspired Scripture,” American Journal of Biblical Theology 24.43 (10/2023): 1–12.

Formal Debates:

5/2/22 vs. R. L. Solberg; “Are Christians Required to Keep the Sabbath?

8/11/19 vs. Sean Griffin; “Is 1 Enoch Inspired Scripture?

5/14/17 vs. Tony Yu; “Should Christians Keep the Torah?

Memberships & Affiliations:

  • Society for Post-Supersessionist Theology

  • National Coalition of Independent Scholars (associate member)

  • Evangelical Theological Society (student member)


  • The Bible (66-book canon) is the authoritative, divinely-inspired, infallible word of God.

  • There is only one God, and He has existed eternally as three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • Yeshua (Jesus) is the promised Messiah of Israel, Savior of mankind, and fully divine.

  • Yeshua died for our sins, was buried, and was raised from the dead on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.

  • All mankind has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. In order to be saved, one must understand that he has broken God’s perfect Law and is condemned because of his sin. He must receive Yeshua as Savior and believe that outside of the death, burial, and resurrection of Yeshua there is no way for salvation.

  • After a person receives Yeshua as their Savior, it is then his responsibility as a believer to submit to the teachings of Messiah Yeshua and follow Him.

  • The Torah/Law has not been abolished, and following the commands of the Torah/Law is an expression of love and obedience to God. Keeping the Torah/Law is not a means to salvation but is the believer's response to his salvation that was already received by faith in the Messiah.

  • The Sabbath day was declared holy at creation and remains applicable for believers today. It is the seventh day of every week (sundown Friday to sundown Saturday), and is to be observed as a day of rest.

If you would like to invite me to speak at your Church or event, please contact me.

I do not have a speaking fee, but please allow an offering to be taken up. If time is available outside of the Sabbath (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown), I also ask that I be allowed to sell my books. I do request that you cover travel expenses.