I’ve been researching Critical Theory, which fuels the ideology of many modern "social justice" movements (e.g., BLM), and I've found that it is anti-Gospel mind poison. The Gospel is all about reconciliation, healing, and justice; Critical Theory is divisive by design and results in only hate, violence, and injustice.
Excluded From the Assembly? (Deuteronomy 23:1-8)
Does God Exist? - The Design of the Universe
The question, “Does God Exist?” has long been pondered from the layman to the greatest scientists and scholars throughout history. When all things are considered, the odds of the universe and the fine-tuning necessary in order for it to have happened by chance is simply unbelievable…even to scientists.
What Is Sin?
Does God Hate Women? - Interview with Douglas Hamp
Many people claim the God of the Bible hates women, that he is misogynistic, that he has created a male-first society. They claim the laws of the Bible make women little more than property. Are these claims true? What does the Bible really say? I sit down with Dr. Douglas Hamp to address these questions.