Justin from “Bullet Holes in the Bible” claims that there is no evidence that the account of Luke-Acts is based on eyewitness testimony. This is my response.
Making Sense of the Conquest of Canaan
Did God command Israel to commit genocide? If God is loving and merciful, how should we understand his command to kill the Canaanites? In this message given at Messiah’s New Life Tabernacle in June of 2021, we try to make sense of the conquest of Canaan and answer some of the difficult questions about these biblical passages.
Can we reconcile the God of love with the God of wrath?
Dan McClellan is wrong about Ezekiel 20:25-26
Be Doers of the Word: Does James Affirm the Torah’s Validity?
Speaking in Tongues Part 2: Have Tongues Ceased?
Was Horus born on Christmas? Jim Staley and the value of verifying sources
Speaking in Tongues Part 1: Human Languages or Ecstatic Utterances?
Dead to the Law? (Romans 7:1-6)
Did Jesus Do Away With the Old Testament Law?
Why Apologetics Matters
Polygamy is a Sin: 3 Key Passages in the Torah Explained
Followers of the Messiah who adhere to the Bible's teachings on marriage and sexuality believe that marriage is a heterosexual, monogamous union. However, critics argue that the Old Testament does not condemn polygamy. Are they right? In this video, we examine three passages in the Torah that demonstrate the sinfulness of polygamy and address common objections from critics.
Making Sense of God’s Wrath
What Comes Out of Your Heart? (Mark 7:1-23)
In this live teaching on Mark 7:1-23, we delve into Yeshua's confrontation with the Pharisees regarding tradition, ritual purity, and what comes out of the heart. Additionally, we explore what Yeshua’s teaching in this passage might imply about the Torah’s dietary laws. Did Yeshua really abolish the distinction between clean and unclean food as many believe? Join us as we explore this and other issues in detail.
The Messiah's Preexistence and Divinity in Philippians 2:5-11
Does the Bible teach that Yeshua the Messiah is divine? Philippians 2:5-11 is a central text that speaks to this question. In this passage, Paul teaches that the Messiah existed as a divine figure prior to his human conception, bears the name YHWH, and is rightfully given the reverence and allegiance that belong to YHWH alone.