Joshua Karvelis of "Sons of God Ministries" claims that Yahweh is symbolized by the donkey and that, when the gospel writers depict Jesus riding a donkey, they meant to teach that Jesus has defeated Yahweh. This is my response.
Some modern interpreters have insisted that James 2:10 implies that since nobody is perfect, trying to obey the Law today is pointless. But is that really what this verse says?
In Ephesians 2:15, Paul wrote that Christ broke down the wall of division between Jew and Gentile “by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances.” But what does Paul mean by this phrase? Is Paul saying that Christ abolished the Law of Moses, or something else?
What is the Law of Christ that Paul talks about in Galatians and 1 Corinthians? Is it something new? Is it an expansion on something old? Is it limited only to what is in the New Testament? We look at these options and more as we work on defining what is the law of Christ.
Some Christian teachers have interpreted Yeshua's Sabbath healings as evidence that He came to do away with the Sabbath. In reality, Yeshua's Sabbath healings demonstrate the proper way to keep the Sabbath.
Some object to the relevance of the Sabbath commandment because they say that it is not repeated in the New Testament. But is that true, and does it actually matter?
Paul affirmed the Torah's enduring validity and expected his readers to abide by the Torah's commandments, which is not what we would expect if he were antinomian.
The Bible says that God's will is that we give thanks in all circumstances. But how do we cultivate such a life of gratitude, in both good times and bad?
Recently, Dr. Dan McClellan responded to my video on Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13. Dan thinks these passages are ambiguous and that the firm conclusion of most scholars who think these passages are clear is misinformed and simply based on identity politics. Here is my response to his response.
Recently, R. L. Solberg made a video responding to my video on Mark 7:1-23, where I argue that Jesus did not invalidate the Torah's dietary laws. Here is my response to his response.
Progressive Christians, such as Rev. Brandan Robertson and others, insist that Leviticus 18:22 has been broadly misunderstood and that it does NOT in fact prohibit homosexual behavior. I address their objections in this video.
There is confusion concerning the identity of the "Son of Man" figure in 1 Enoch 71:14. The Ethiopic text identifies this figure as Enoch, but the R. H. Charles translation reads differently because he purposely mistranslated it—which he admits!
Did Jesus reject the Torah’s dietary laws? Many say that he did, citing Mark 7:1-23 as proof. In this video, I will explain the problems with the traditional interpretation of this passage and offer an alternative view that presents a more consistent and accurate portrayal of Jesus’s teaching.
In this video, I speak with Michele and Alivia Grace Talley about where we go from here now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned. What does this mean for abortion in America? What are the next steps for the Pro-Life movement?
Christopher Enoch believes that Paul is a false apostle and claims that the earliest Christians rejected him while only heretics embraced him. He also says that 2 Peter is a forgery. This is my response.