The Divine Son: Exploring the Messiah's Deity in Hebrews 1

The Divine Son: Exploring the Messiah's Deity in Hebrews 1

Is the Messiah God? The first chapter of Hebrews presents compelling evidence that he is. In this chapter, the author highlights the Son’s role as the creator and sustainer of the universe, emphasizes the Son’s divine essence, proclaims that the Son is worthy of the worship that belongs only to God, and explicitly identifies the Son as “God” and “Lord/YHWH.” In order to demonstrate each of these points, this article conducts a detailed exegesis of Hebrews 1 and answers objections from unitarians.

The Messiah's Preexistence and Divinity in Philippians 2:5-11

The Messiah's Preexistence and Divinity in Philippians 2:5-11

Does the Bible teach that Yeshua the Messiah is divine? Philippians 2:5-11 is a central text that speaks to this question. In this passage, Paul teaches that the Messiah existed as a divine figure prior to his human conception, bears the name YHWH, and is rightfully given the reverence and allegiance that belongs to YHWH alone.

Does Ephesians 2:15 Say That Christ Abolished the Law of Moses?

Does Ephesians 2:15 Say That Christ Abolished the Law of Moses?

In Ephesians 2:15, Paul wrote that Christ broke down the wall of division between Jew and Gentile “by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances.” But what does Paul mean by this phrase? Is Paul saying that Christ abolished the Law of Moses, or something else?

Did Jesus Reject the Torah’s Dietary Laws? (Mark 7:1-23)

Did Jesus Reject the Torah’s Dietary Laws? (Mark 7:1-23)

Did Jesus reject the Torah’s dietary laws? Many say that he did, citing Mark 7:1-23 as proof. In this article, I will explain the problems with the traditional interpretation of this passage and offer an alternative view that presents a more consistent and accurate portrayal of Jesus’s teaching.

Polygamy Harms Men, Women, and Children

Polygamy Harms Men, Women, and Children

I’ve been reading some scientific studies on the psychosocial impact of polygamy (in particular, the form of polygamy known as polygyny, that is, a husband having two or more wives). Modern-day advocates for polygamy argue that this practice benefits families and society, but the scientific data tells a different story. The harmful effects of polygamy on the well-being of men, women, and children are striking.

Monogamy: God's Creational Marriage Ideal

Monogamy: God's Creational Marriage Ideal

One fundamental theological principle revealed in the Genesis creation accounts is that marriage, as God intended it, is to be monogamous. The rest of the Bible, especially the New Testament, upholds this marital form as the ideal standard.

Understanding Submission in Marriage (Ephesians 5)

Understanding Submission in Marriage (Ephesians 5)

“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:22). If you just read that verse out loud, then you might hear a faint, high-pitched noise. That sound is every feminist worldwide shrieking about how Christianity oppresses women. But is this instruction in Ephesians really oppressive toward women?

Was Jesus a Historical Person? Answering Justin Best's Claims

Was Jesus a Historical Person? Answering Justin Best's Claims

Justin Best of the popular J. Breezy YouTube channel (formerly Christian Truthers) said he is “questioning the authenticity of the NT [New Testament] and the existence of a historical ‘Jesus’ character.” This article will look at and answer some of his claims.

Christ: Creator or Created?

Christ: Creator or Created?

Is Christ the Creator or was he created? The Trinity doctrine states that there is one God who exists eternally as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This article will demonstrate the biblical validity of this doctrine in regard to the Son. While Yeshua is fully man, the Bible teaches that he is also fully God.