The word gospel means “good news.” It’s the story of Yeshua (Jesus) and all He has done for you. This story is the foundation for everything.
Is it Wrong to Celebrate Hanukkah?
Hanukkah, also known as the Feast of Dedication or the Festival of Lights, is a holiday commemorating the rededication of the second Temple. It is a celebration of faith and commitment to God’s Word. But lately some believers have been questioning Hanukkah’s origins and arguing that disciples of Yeshua shouldn’t celebrate this holiday. Are their concerns valid?
Acts 10 - Peter's Vision and Unclean Animals
Christians and Torah – What’s the Point?
7 Ways to Observe Yom Kippur
7 Ways to Celebrate Yom Teruah
Did you know that God commands us to rejoice and make noise? Indeed, Yom Teruah—also known as the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh HaShanah—is an incredible celebration during which believers come together to worship the God of Israel with shouts of joy and the blast of the shofar as we look forward to the second coming of our Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus).
A Season of Teshuvah
Should Believers Wear Tzitziyot?
10 Ways to Celebrate Shavuot
7 Ways to Celebrate Purim
Should Men Shave Their Beards?
5 Reasons Christians Should Keep Torah
The Bible records for us that all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16), but many Christians today have forgotten some very important parts of Scripture—namely, the “instructions” of God, or in Hebrew, Torah.