One of the greatest temptations of mankind is to exalt ourselves. We want people to think we're the smartest, coolest, and most talented. We want to be seen and admired for our gifts and talents. It's natural to desire acceptance and affirmation from others, but there's a danger of idolatry when we make God's work about us instead of Him.
Does God Still Speak?
7 Ways To Keep The Sabbath
In The Beginning: God
The Awful Art of Blame-Shifting and Escaping Responsibility
7 Ways to Celebrate Sukkot
The feast of Sukkot, more commonly known as the feast of Tabernacles, marks the end of the biblical fall feasts. It’s the most joyous celebration on the Hebrew calendar as God’s people come together and celebrate before the Lord in anticipation for the return of the Messiah and the wedding supper of the Lamb.
The Gospel Revealed in the Sabbath
Responding to Dr. Michael Brown on the Dietary Laws
Should Christians observe the dietary laws? Dr. Michael Brown recently gave his answer to this question in a short YouTube video. Since Dr. Brown is a highly respected theologian and Messianic Jewish/Christian apologist, I think it will be good to examine his arguments in light of biblical teaching on this topic.
Don't Be A Flake
Do Not Be Yoked with Anti-Semitic "Believers"
Who Are You to Judge?
It is often said that believers ought not to judge. Indeed, “Judge not that you be not judged” is one of the most memorized Bible verses ever. Even people who have never read a Bible in their life will immediately quote that verse to silence anyone who might dare express disapproval toward them. But is it true that we are not to ever judge anyone?
Has the Levitical Priesthood been replaced?
As believers around the world are being drawn back to the roots of their Christian faith and thus embracing the lifestyle and teachings of Yeshua (Jesus) and the apostles, there are often questions about some major parts of the Torah. It’s easy for most people to acknowledge the validity of commandments like the Sabbath and dietary instructions, but what about the priesthood? What about animal sacrifices? Isn’t Yeshua our High Priest? Isn’t He our sacrifice?
Listen When a Donkey Speaks
Feelings are important and shouldn't be dismissed. But we must not be led by our feelings. We cannot assume that our feelings reflect the complete truth of any situation. Our feelings reflect only how we interpret the truth of the situation. New information or another perspective often leads to a different interpretation.
Overcoming Discontentment
God Created You To Be Free
Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?
Why do you suppose the majority of today’s Christians don’t keep the Sabbath the way the Bible says to keep it? Does God care about whether we keep it? Was it given only to a specific group of people before the time of Christ? Was the Sabbath changed or taken to a “spiritual” level, replacing the literal application of the commandment? This article will take a closer look at this important topic. We’ll discover what the Bible—our final authority on all matters of faith and practice—truly says about the Sabbath and how it applies to us today.